When does an SME need VCFO Services?

When the entity is in need of funds - Equity or Debt

When the entity wants to have a vendor management during touch times

When the entity wants to consolidate its debts and go for a cost effective debt

When the entity wants to outsource its F&A function - accounting or finance or compliance or any of these three or all

When they are dependent of few senior people in F&A and compliance functions

When the entity wants to expand inorganically

When the entity wants to diversify

When they plan to go for new funding – debt or equity

When they want to have their accounting online

When they want to assure compliance online at any time

When there is no process document for F&A functionality

When there is no internal audit other than statutory audit

When the management doesn’t get necessary reports for

When the entity tried to go for a new accounting system or ERP

When there is no costing and pricing are done and updated periodically for their products or services

When the entity ensures that the F&A team works on its full potential with clear JD and competency mapping